Introducing: Matt Olson

Matt Olson is a writer, podcaster, photographer, and videographer from Saskatoon, Sask.

Matt “Mo” Olson is a reporter-turned-communications-director that likes storytelling too much to completely leave the journalism sphere. Matt earned his Bachelor of Music from the University of Saskatchewan and his Master of Journalism from Carleton University in Ottawa.

During his time with the Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Matt (along with a team of colleagues) earned a National Newspaper Award and a Canadian Association of Journalism Award as a writer and a podcast producer, respectively. Considering neither of those were for arts and culture projects — kind of his specialty — Matt is excited to pursue new ideas with PodSask!

Matt is a big fan of Broadway musicals, Star Wars, football, and board games. Somehow, he’ll do a story on all of them for this website.

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